Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Irony of all Ironies

So here I am, in labor. I go to a routine doctors appointment today only to find out I am four centimeters dilated and in active labor. Labor I cannot feel by the way. Just feels like tight back pain now and again.

So after all the trouble this little guy has put me through maybe he has finally decided to behave. Haha! I guess we will see as the day progresses.

So right now I am blogging from my Blackberry in my hospital bed having contractions waiting for Joey to get back from his trip to the house to get my things. Ah this modern day of technology we live in.

If you don't hear from me for a while at least you k ow why. Love you all. Signing out at 12:55 August 12th. Check your email to find out when it's all over. Thanks for your prayers!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


April said...

Yippee!!!! Can't wait to meet the little guy.

Amy said...

Auntie Amy is extremely excited. I'm so happy I'll get to meet him soon!

Christen said...

Congratulations Jennifer & Joey he's a cutie!