Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weston Turns One

So, on Thursday of last week, August 12th, 2010, my little boy turned one year old. I can't believe it. Really. We had a huge (37 people) family-only birthday party the Saturday before, and everything couldn't have gone more perfect. Even if my watermelon cake did split in half the night before the party. I think I did a pretty good job of salvaging what was left=)

I thought I would just include a recap of his first year in pictures (one a month for the first year)and end with some favs from the birthday party. He is truly a blessing in my life. I never knew I could love two people, two children, 100% each, and so completely. You'd think a person would have to choose a favorite or one child would always be the recipient of more love than the other at some point in time, but I think God is gracious to us parents in this way. He allows this small miracle, this small honor, of being just like Him in this one tiny aspect--you can truly love two children just as much as the other. Now, I'm not blessed enough to love perfectly or completely like He can, but I do love them both just as much as the other.

Weston is the embodiment of love and snuggles and adoration. Especially to his Mama=) His favorite past time is literally climbing all over me, then laying his head on my chest just to snuggle and rest for a while. His smile is definitely his most charming feature. You can't help but smile when he does. He definitely still has a bit of temper, and he frustrates quickly and easily, and has unfortunately inherited the family trait of being annoyingly loud. But he's also my contemplative child, very serious when he's not smiling. He studies everything, and he's careful yet daring at the same time. Both my children are a mix of contradicting behavior, which makes life very interesting=) I was never quite sure about having a boy, but I'm so glad God entrusted us with one. He's the extra testosterone this house needed, and the extra adoration his Mama must have needed. It's nice to be the center of some one's least for now because Savannah definitely thinks the world revolves around her Daddy=) Enjoy the pics!

holy experience

#62 a son
#63 a family that makes a party
#64 birthday cakes that fall...reminding me no one's perfect
#65 toothy smiles
#67 healthy children
#68 a home to hold parties
#69 to know what it feels like to love with abandon
#70 to know how it feels to be willing to lay your life down for another
#71 that God's Son laid His life down completely for me, for my children, for us all
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The View From My Porch said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet little boy! I can't believe he's one. You look GREAT Momma! ~Ali

Kathleen said...

Happy Birthday to Weston!!! He is so cute!!