Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where Have I Been? Well...

Ok, so my cousin totally calls me out today, and is like, "So what's been up with you and blogging? We haven't heard from you lately?" So here's my answer...

Mid January--began feeling nauseous around the clock; the fatigue of this pregnancy is so bad, I'm doing good to get dressed every day....

This continues for all of January...hence only having 5 pictures of Savannah to Snapfish to people...

February 1st rolls around, we're all feeling pretty good, weather is nice, Savannah's photo shoot is great, but I'm focused on heading out of town the next week for 10 days and all the preparations that go into packing your child up to stay at someone else's home for a week, PLUS I was avoiding other children and activities at all cost to keep her from getting sick...

Friday before we leave, she still comes down with a cough....

Mid-February we are gone for 10 days to San Antonio, TX, Long Beach, CA, and back again. In the process, both Joey and I get very, very, ill, and by the time we all three get off the plane back in the ATL, we are all deathly ill with something...I will spare you the details....

The rest of February is spent decompressing from a not so relaxing vacation and trying to get us all well...

Savannah's cough still never really clears up, the fever begins, the coughing through the night, so it's back to the doctor by the first of March....

In the meantime, over our "vacation" I have also developed some strange skin rash/hives/eczema thing, so the next four weeks from End-February to present, between myself, Savannah, and Joey, I have been to a doctor's office for an appointment at least twice a week...NO about your copays!....

So, the past two weeks consisted of Savannah being diagnosed with a head cold, croup, starting ear infection, and bronchitis--all at once....where for, she then preceded to have an allergic reaction breaking out in hives all over her precious body, which entailed another doctor's visit, per the nurse's request, only to find out that hives are basically harmless, a little uncomfortable, and I just need to watch to see what causes them again....

All of my dermatologist visits result in one doctor saying I have eczema, prescribing a greasy ointment that heals me temporarily, only to return for a check-up to have another doctor tell me it's not exactly eczema, but hives...every time I scratch anywhere, I break out in massive splotches of hives....yes, I'm sooooo happy, and comfortable for that matter.....personally, I think I'm allergic to this IS possible! I've checked it out online....

Joey develops shingles, had to quarantine himself for four days, started school yesterday, and that about brings us up to date. Oh, yeah, and Savannah breaks out in hives again--I think she's allergic to strawberries. Whew! OUT OF BREATH!

So as you can see, there are a million good reasons why I haven't bored you with the details of my life recently. Not to mention, we live in a poorly built, 5-year old house that is in need of constant repair and maintenance, especially the lawn. We are also trying to get ready for baby number two by redecorating rooms upstairs to move Savannah around. We will be married 8 years this May, so there is an endless supply of "things" that need replacing around the house--mattress, washing machine, we need more storage for kid things, etc. PLUS, did I mention Joey has gone back to school?

So I find myself these days holing up in my house that I love, trying to keep everything functioning on somewhat of a normal level while still making sure there are groceries in the pantry, meals on the table, clean clothes to wear, space on the floors to walk on, and most importantly a happy little girl who loves to play outside and have 110% of my attention and doing whatever it takes to make sure my husband's life isn't totally over the edge and completely stressed out.

So, that's where I have been, that's what I have been doing. I may sound stressed, but I'm really at a good place right now. Just no time for blogging. I'll try, but no promises. I love you all. Thanks for being concerned and wondering where the heck I have been. Means a lot=) Hopefully, I will be posting sooner, rather than later, so it won't take you an hour to get through the next post! BAHAHAHA! Yeah right=) !!!


Amy said...

Awww, sad times! Well I'm glad you're back!

April said...

Yeah!! Glad to hear from you. SO SORRY about all of the sicknesses, no fun!! Sounds like you need some healthcare close by... :)

Miss you.

Amy said...

totally forgot to tell you this in my previous comment but... GREAT usage of "BAHAHAHAHA". amazing.