I have my own personal theory on how old the world actually
is. I know, this is not an evolutionary debate, it’s a personal theory. You
see, there are things I believe we will never know until God’s timing comes to
fruition. The age of the earth is one of them. Some say millions of years.
Young earth creationists say 3,000-5,000 years. I believe God created Adam with
age, so why couldn’t He create the earth with age also? Does it really matter?
I don’t know. But what I have always found intriguing is we date the passage of
time forward and backward from 1 BC (Before Christ) to 1 AD. Anno Domini.
The year of our Lord. The year Christ entered humanity. The year Christ entered
our timeline.
So, here’s my personal theory, I believe my God is a God of order not chaos, a God of symmetry, perfectly balanced. You see examples of this all throughout creation. So, my personal theory is:
This present, physical earth will end exactly the number of days it took to come into its fullness upon Christ’s birth. Up until His birth, it was forming and waiting and groaning for a Savior. After His birth, it has been groaning to be set free from the bondage of sin plaguing its existence, longing for the day it will rejoice with God’s children upon His triumphant return. (Romans 8:19-23)
The rocks cry out. The heavens declare the glory of God even in their sin-burdened state. Can you even begin to imagine the song creation must be capable of singing when no longer burdened? When made new and whole? (Romans 1:20, Psalm 119)
So, if the earth is 3,000 years old, maybe we are closer to Christ’s return than we think. Another 1,000 years or so? But if the earth is millions of years old, we’ve got the gift of God’s abiding grace a while longer—long enough to tell more people about Jesus, to convince more to join the winning side.
Because that’s the point. Do you think it’s coincidence all of time and history are dated based on the year of our Lord? Either BC, before Christ inhabited His creation, or AD, after He came? When God allowed Christ’s birth to be our reference point for all time—time He doesn’t actually experience, nor is He limited by—God was making a statement.
Jesus literally changes everything. For all time, for all people, for everything. His birth, life, death, and resurrection mark the beginning of the end of death itself. He defeated death. He fought, bled, died, and lives to tell about it. He won. The battle for souls and eternity has already been won. If you choose to follow Jesus, you are in the encampment of the Victor. Your eternity with Him is secure. Death has no claim on your life anymore. (Hebrews 2:14, 1 Corinthians 15:54-57)
I want to live victorious. I desire to shine from the inside out with the glory of Jesus’ victory, with the joy of His triumph, with the hope of eternity with Him. My natural temperament is to be consumed by the hurt and burden of the lost, broken, and grief-stricken. My heart aches for those drowning in the dark sea of lies where I have almost drowned before as well. I see our world rejecting Jesus and His ways, and my heart screams, “Stop!!!! Wait!!! Come back! Go back!! Return!” I see our world hurtling toward the cliff of their own creation, an abyss into hell of their own choosing.
But no one hears anymore. Everyone is too busy shouting over everyone else. What can I do?
I can live victoriously, in my own life, within my own six feet of influence. I can choose to look up and focus unwaveringly on Christ (Hebrews 12:2). I can choose to study His words, knowing them so well they are ready on my lips to give an answer to anyone who asks (1 Peter 3:15). I can teach them to my children and build their foundation in the Lord strong and unwavering, so they know how to do the same for the next generation (Deuteronomy 18:11-21). I can choose God’s standard of living as my standard of living, and though I will fall short every day, I don’t lower the standard. I ask for forgiveness and accept His grace to live another day with my eyes laser-focused on my Jesus.
And it is and will continue to be hard. But you don’t lower the standard. Victory belongs to those who persevere and hold their ground (Hebrews 10:35-39). Christ goes before His people. He advances the charge and takes the ground. We are tasked with following Him and holding the ground He takes. Remember He’s already won! We don’t have to second guess His choices or waiver in our belief. He is a sure bet.
What ground in your life have you allowed the devil to occupy that Christ has already claimed victory for you and over you? Confess, repent, cling to truth and resist the devil. He will flee, and the ground you thought you’d lost will be yours again.
What standard have you lowered that needs raising once more? The Lord is your Strength. Lean into Him. He is the one helping you hold the line, hold His standard high. Victory can be a way of life, not just an end goal.
“Lord, I want to live this life with the joy of Your victorious triumph. Help me to view my trials and difficulties as ground You’ve already conquered, and now You’re asking me to hold fast and stay true as You continue to advance Your kingdom in me and through me. May my life reflect not just Your glory, Lord, but Your victory as well. Thank You for Jesus. Thank You for sending Your Son into time to be with us and save us for all eternity.”
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