I'm not sure where my daughter learned to pray like this (and let me assure you, this is only the first few minutes of what is usually at least five minutes long). Let me emphasize--we DO NOT pray like this at home! I would love to take some credit for this, but this is totally not of Joey or me, so I will chalk yet another thank you up to BSF and their fantastic children's program, and I will also say, I think my daughter might have a gifting in prayer if there is such a thing.
You be the judge. Again, this is just the opening...
So I've been praying for God to teach me how to pray more effectively and more diligently and more genuinely. Think maybe He's trying to tell me something through this sweet girl? Genuine thanks, prayers for unity, blessings for others, scripture? Not sure I could come up with a better outline=)
Oh how the Lord must wish we could all keep our child-like hearts and attitudes! May I never become so prideful that I can't be as an innocent child before my Lord. Happy praying=)

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