So why is it that each month of the year seems to fly by progressively faster and faster? July is long gone, but I'm still smiling from all the memories....
....fourth of July storms rained out our fireworks plans, but I'm pretty sure this picture is the epitome of the only thing I think would be better....notice Savannah actually holding Weston's hand=)...
The rest of the first half of the month was spent shopping for and preparing for a family Baby Shower Palooza on my side. You see, my family hails from all corners of the earth, but we have definitely mastered 1) the art of throwing a LARGE party and 2) the fine skill of cramming as much into two days as possible--every one's in town, why not???-- while still making everyone feel they are special=) The pictures I have here are from my sister's couples baby shower...she's due October 7th....
Amy--the other preggers in this pic--is actually due August 20th. I would have posted pics from her baby shower except I don't have any of them yet=( Needless to say, everyone else in this picture threw two large baby showers in one weekend...mad props to us!!!
And all hail to the preggers--can't wait to meet our nieces or nephews--they are both surprises!
Saturday night, smack dab in the middle of both showers, was the only day this entire year my entire family will/would be in one place all together. So after a fabulously successful shrimp boil--thanks to my most marvelous mama--you know we had to take more pictures=)
....Matt, Em, and new baby Hartley....
...Tim, LA, & Baby Harper....
...Markus and his fabulous girlfriend Bethany--I will probably have to put this one on my fridge because it makes me laugh so hard....
Pictures of my family, you ask? Well, although we did take one at my parent's, we also had a fun, quickie photo shoot done with my talented "boss"=) The sunflowers were amazing, and this photo pretty much sums up my kids' personalities in one click (even though I'm not a fan of how I look myself--no fault of Dezirae's, just bad styling on my part), but look at these rascals...
...and last but not least, the perfect photograph to commemorate mine and Joey's tenth year of marriage....
...and the sunshine on these sunflowers is the feeling I have when I think of July. I am richly blessed in more ways than I can even begin to count. I'm hoping when school starts back here shortly I might have more time to share my heart and mind here on those matters, but until then, I'm still basking in the sweet, God-given glory of July.